The End…

1 night to know you
5 days till I ask you out
8th day I told you
27 days later we officially starts
1348 days later it ends….
Awkward conversation
Late night chatting
Funny moments
Lovely gestures
Awesome adventures
Cute faces
Silly moments….
It all just turn into memories

Whats been going on? & 2 blog challenges…

Its been a while since i last blog something, no big reason for that, mainly me being lazy or just not in the mood to blog something. Why am i here right now? well actually i’m not in the mood to post something as well, just that i’ve been so in the downs with assignments and life that i just wan to rant something somewhere, which leads me to here.

Right now, i’m in library suppose to do my assignment but i took sometime just to update here. As like for the past few times i updates on my blog i would post a challenge that is way due so i’m just gonna post 2 challenge here instead in this post, its gonna be a long post…

Day 13 – Something that puts a smile on your face no matter what

Hmmm i feel like i’ve answered this question before but nevertheless i would still answer this. Many things put a smile on my face. I’m a care free person, yes this means that things that i need to work ie assignments is not my best friend. But if i have to pin it on 1, that would be seeing her =) She give me the comfort that i need when i’m down, even when i’m in the good mood, she lively gestures, smile, laughter does make me smile (though not necessarily on my face…) Of coz we have our downs but even so we manage to work things out n at the end of the day i feel glad when i’m with her =)

Day 14 – What are you afraid of?

Hmm what i afraid of well i’m afraid of many things, one that i keep telling people is height. Surprise? dont be, cause i used to have nightmares of falling into the infinite abyss and got woken up from there, n as i head back into sleep the dreams continue. But that’s just the general answer i will usually give to anyone who asks me. The truth is i’ve many fears. Fear of not able to survive in the future, fear that i wont do well in my exams, fear of disappointing the people that matters, fear of not living up to expectations….you may say some of those are just temporary, and i agree that some is just temporary but i take those things serious cause it matters to me.

Well there goes the short response to the challenges. One more challenge post to go….so back to the main topic whats been going on in my life since the last post. Well reading back what i’ve last post…it was abt kpop so i had to move back another post which was my exams are over for the semester. Well right now, my exams are coming back to me, next month is my finals, n hopefully i pass all my exams so that i can graduate. What else been going on? ermm i guess at the moment i’m sick of doing assignments, i mean need to do it, but i feel that as i grow older and more years of uni, makes me feel like i hate assignments more n procastinate more…or mayb just the other way where i procastinate more n dont want to do my assignments. But i still need to get it done anyway. 

As some may know that i’m turning 25 this year, and people is already expecting me to work by now n not still studying, i guess it is pretty normal since the generation before us or mayb me started at a very young age n by my age that they r already in the midst of working and so on. But lately i feel that i’ve been pressured to graduate n find a job and so on. Which kinda put me in the situation where i should be graduating this year…meaning more studying yay!! blah…

Lately i’ve been distracted with watching videos on youtube, not the best thing to do when u have assignments n exams lining up to kill ur mental brain into pieces…but i watch it cause its funny, been watching ellen n jimmy on utube, the funny things people do in real life, i cant help it. Besides that i just started playing WOW not long ago, well actually i sould be bored with the game by now as more or less doing the same thing over n over again. But the fact that they have achievements to accomplish is like setting a challenge for me to complete it…but then again that usually isnt enuf for me to get interested in an mmorpg for long, its my friends who r also playing that is keeping me in for so long. I like playing with them co-operating with them to accomplish things. 

Well thats the general idea of whats been going on…i’ll try to update more soon as for now i need to start doing my assignment…pressure pressure pressure…


Oh my, can’t believe this day would come where i post something about K-Pop. Alright people, first thing first, I’m not a fan of K-Pop…though it kinda bloody sound so catchy. Now you must be wondering why the heck i post something about if i’m not a fan right?? or maybe not…but whatever, i decided to post about it is because that i saw this new video of SNSD thats was out not so long ago in Facebook…so i decided to watch that music video, and there is where the line of thought for this post came from…why does people like K-Pop?! alright i know i’m slow about it, that’s because i don’t follow them at all…but all over the world, it became somewhat a craze…so here in my opinion why people like K-Pop..

Firstly all K-Pop songs has a very darn good catchy beat to it…it doesn’t matter whether it is a drum beat, disco beat, techno beat….those beat just blend into the song go listen for yourself. It doesn’t matter whether the song is a fast song or a slow song, there will be a beat in there that get you hook into it. In order that i’m saying the right thing here i did some research of going to youtube and clicking on some groups and listening to their song and every song i hear from them has a beat….now you may say so what every other song has a beat to it, that i can’t argue but the beats in the K-Pop songs makes you feel that you can dance to it even when it is a slow song. With this beat it also leads me to the next point…

It makes you feel that you wanna dance or can dance. Don’t you feel that way?? Listening to those beats and suddenly you feel your hand or legs tapping on something going according to the beat, and if you like dancing you just wanna move you body around. And the worst part is, when you watch their videos, it makes you feel that you can dance as well as them in those moves.

Next, people like K-Pop not just for the songs but for the people. Come on people let’s be honest, for guys, they like to see the girls, with tier short pants/skirt where their legs looks extra long (though i doubt their that long unless i see it with my own eyes), that cute looks/ nice smile that attracts the guys. Now this don’t just happen to the guys, but girls as well…girls like the guy’s too!!

I’m just thankful that i manage to stop watching the videos for this post, cause it was kinda getting addicted to the beats and i like the dance moves that i’ve seen i really the dance move and impress how a group of people and manage to dance so in synch….


Yay, just finished exams for the semester though wasnt really happy that i didnt do well in one of the papers but forget abt it for now and enjoy the moment!! I guess my body is still in stress shock, that’s why i’m still here at 3.30am posting this here.

So that’s how my life have been for the past weeks since my last update, body just got into stress mode and causing me to sleep late every night, even when i need to work the next day. It kinda sucks i know..but whatever i cant be bother anymore…naturally my body will adjust it’s body timing back to how it was before.

Day 12 – A famous person you’ve been compared to…

Wouldn’t it be great that you are being compared to someone famous?? it makes you feel like you are on par with that famous person right???

For me…unfortunately, i’ve not been compared to anyone…at least to my knowledge i know that i’ve not been compared to anyone fomous…

Cheers =)

Day 11 – Google the meaning of your name…

Well i’ve always know the meaning of my name but oh well after some reading of different sites i shall choose the first site that appears on the search result, no worries..i’ve check out other sites and they explain same thing different way…so here goes…


Jordan meaning and name origin

Jordan \j(o)-rdanjordan\ as a boy’s name (also used as girl’s name Jordan), is pronounced JOR-dan. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Jordan is “down-flowing“. Name of the majorriver in Palestine, used as a given name since the Crusades. The short form Jordi is also aCatalan variant of GeorgeJourdaine and Jourdan are French forms. The name is influenced by the fame of basketball celebrity Michael Jordan and Nike’s line of Air Jordan athletic shoes.

Jordan has 28 variant forms: GiordanoJaredJarredJarodJarrodJarrotJarrottJerad,JerredJerrodJerrotJerrottJordaanJordainJordaoJordellJordenJordiJordonJordy,JordynJoriJoryJourdainJourdaineJourdanJud and Judd.

Baby names that sound like Jordan are WordenArdenArrdenArdonArdinArdianJardineand Warden.



Boo hoo…it has been a while since i did an update, been kinda busy with things, being lazy as well. But i still check on other people’s blog, love reading them but kinda sad that i see less of my friends blog being updated, or just stop updating. But anyway…here am i to give a simple update on my life which i deem not worthy of anyone’s attention cause its for my own pleasure of typing something about myself here so i feel better (k, i’m not getting anywhere with this)….

Exams is coming and im scared so scared i hate it and i feel like im so stupid and powerless to do anything.  I know, I know study will help you pass it but even if i were to do that, i still feel worried and anxious, and scared, i seen so many of that result to fear it…its kinda sad to see all my peers moving forward in life and im still stuck in that freaking spot. But i will still do my best for which i have a goal that i want to be at….

And i guess i’m down…so down cause she is away…at least for 3 months, whether she comes back for visiting is hard to tell cause its so far, and though i’m pretty sure i would be seeing her in 2 months or so…it is still so long away…I ALREADY MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T

Day 10 – Your family…

Wow, finally a post about my family…the truth is, i don’t usually talk much about my family…not because i hate them or anything, is just that i felt like when i grow up i was brought up to keep things in the family. My family i would say is great, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t have their flaws. The first thing i felt from my family was separation, though of coz at that time i was still a little baby wont know much, but i’m pretty sure because of that it sets the whole way of how i grew up, so more or less i tend to keep things inside then to telling everything to everyone. But when someone were to ask me about them personally i would surely tell them.

Never knew….

That i brought so much hurt…foolish me…


This morning i was at work having monday blues thanks to the weather and lack of sleep crashing in together. It wasnt really helping at i headed on fb and youtube and found this video . its a short by JinnyboyTV (great  videos) which i also shared in another blog. It brought back so much memories…mostly from my primary school years cause that is when i play and do most of the games/stuff that is shown in the video. I miss it so much that it almost made me teared…=P It also made me wished that i was brought back to those days…i’ll never forget those days!! Those days were AWESOME!!!!!!!!

ps just incase u didnt notice…they are all wearing different school uniforms look closely at the school badges!! ur school might be in there  somewhere…=)